How does oral health affect heart health?
When your dental hygienist reminds you to brush, floss, and rinse daily, it’s not just to protect the health of your teeth. Poor oral hygiene allows harmful bacteria to grow in your mouth. These bacteria cause bad breath, sore, inflamed gums (gingivitis), and tooth and bone loss (periodontitis). They also travel through the bloodstream to other parts of your body. If these bacteria reach your heart, they can cause a serious infection called endocarditis. Bacteria in the bloodstream can also contribute to clogged arteries, which increase your risk for heart attack and stroke.
Signs of poor oral health
Red, swollen or tender gums
Bleeding gums while brushing or flossing
Gums that are separating or receding from the teeth
Bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth
Infection, such as pus, in the gums
Tooth decay
Loose teeth
Whose heart health is at risk?
Individuals with advanced, chronic gingivitis or periodontitis
Individuals with diagnosed heart disease or a previous stroke
Individuals with high blood pressure, high cholesterol or who are obese
What can you do?
1. Make healthy lifestyle choices
2. Take steps to prevent gingivitis and periodontitis
For more information, visit https://www.dentalhygienecanada.ca/dhcanada/DHCanada/Oral_Health_Risks/Oral_Health_at_Heart.aspx